What do you want?

A catering to your fancies.

I’m not exceptional. I’m only human.

So as much as I wish and want to put a hand in the curve of the world, I still battle my insecurities and have conflicts within myself and in my reality.

One such affliction is a stirring confusion that questions what exactly my email subscribers enjoy from what I dish out weekly.

Hence why I have arrived at a conclusion.

What is this conclusion?

I must send out a form, a Google form.

A form that will go out before me like an envoy and return to me with a message of what the peace treaty between us needs.

A peace treaty that locks me to your expectations, with enough room to deviate from it once in a while.

Because, for sure, you know I will deviate when it is befitting for both of us.

So I kneel down virtually, supplicating for your help. Please, dear subscriber, tell me your thoughts in the link below.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Love remains from me to you always.